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The New End Time Prophecy Book Everyone is talking about 


A must read for those who want to be informed of whats behind the scenes!

Mrs I.P. Woodcock


This latest book by Jason Carter, which is currently right up to date with world affairs, will stimulate, challenge and inform you of what is behind the scenes in the global sphere. Following the successful larger version of Trumpet Blast Warning which was more detailed, this summarises and encapsulates Jason's research on how things are heading for in our world. I couldn't put the book down and it has surprisingly a lot of detail. A must for everyone to read who wants to know the truth - it is not for the fainthearted or someone who wants to bury their head in the sand as so many want to do as a safe option. Highly recommend it and will buy further copies to give away as its such a good price!!


TV Guest and Radio Host highly recommends this book!

Laura Maxwell, author and host of The Supernatural 


A life changing book, guaranteed to deeply effect you and leave a lasting impression. Startling and deeply concerning, it proves biblical, global, end time events are happening now! It contains documented evidence of the world elite's New World Order plans. It proves international policies, unions and actions toward implementing One World Government, economy and religion have been gathering pace within the last 100 years. Past and current roles of the occult, secret societies and religion within the NWO are outlined. All of which sets the global stage for the soon coming rise of the Anti-Christ. Jason's observations are backed up by original quotes and references from senior politicians, presidents, world banks, religious leaders, the media, etc. So, you can check references to confirm this isn't a conspiracy theory on world government, as it's supported by documented facts! To be forewarned and prepared, all non-Christians and Christians, especially ministers and prayer groups should read this book. If you only read one book this year, please let it be this one.


Wake Up World! Powerful, Compelling, 'Must Read' book for believers and non-believers alike

By UK Author, Michele Neal


Where do I start?! I will start by giving a message of deepest thanks to Jason Carter for this MUCH-NEEDED book. Whilst there are many End Times Prophetic books that are available to read (many of these I have read), what initially caused me to read Jason's book was the fact that he is a fellow Brit! This mere fact made me shout with great excitement, "Yes! Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus for giving a fellow UK author such a vital message for the times we are living in!"...and I hadn't even started reading the book!

Having read the author's book 'Beyond Earthly Realms', it catapulted me into reading 'Trumpet Blast Warning' as quickly as possible. Many of the aspects of the book I had already come across over the past few years, BUT only at a surface level. This book goes into much more detail concerning the very disturbing hidden things of darkness that are happening in 'secret places' and 'high places', whilst the rest of the world is in a state of complacency and deep slumber as to what is going on around them.

It is shocking to discover the truth and the reality of the evil that has infiltrated and governs the nations of the world and their political and religious systems, which are all hastening in the prophesied appearing of the Antichrist, the One world Order and One World financial system, much of which is on the verge of being unleashed upon this unsuspecting world.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory. This is the truth, because it the fulfilment of all that the Holy Word of God has foretold and has warned ALL mankind will take place before the Second Coming of His Son, Jesus Christ.

This book is a serious WAKE UP call to the whole human race. We ignore this God-ordained "Trumpet Blast Warning" at our peril...


It is so good to read this kind of thing from an English ...

By Mr A Pendleton


Jason Carter you are bang on with what you write. It is so good to read this kind of thing from an Englishman and not an American. Not that I have anything against Americans but it seems to me they write about the end times more. I pray for your protection Jason, I know these people you write about won't like it, truth hurts. God bless your good works. We christians need to hear more of this as time is running out, thank you Jason.


Fascinating, informative, important information for the days we are living in

By Lisian


Amazing! Very eye opening and I love that the book contains a lot of references about where the information was sourced etc rather than just a bunch of opinions or theories. I also feel this book has been released at just the right time.


A Real Eye Opener!

By Ian Jervis


An incredible read, superbly put together! Trumpet Blast Warning let's you see the purpose behind the technologies and happenings of the time we live in! Wake up and realise who you are in Christ. Do not succumb to the world and be the person God has ordained you to be! Halleluyah! Thank you, Jason Carter, for your hard work and study in putting this together.



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